Bye Bye Rosonna Donna
(Pics from Donna Miner's Going Away Party at Johnny Malloy's in May!)
The Geezers have known Donna Miner for quite some time. All of the Geezers who worked at Goodyear at one time or another have some memories of her whether it be from work, or down at the Katmandu where Donna and the Phantom Band performed for the Goodyear Christmas parties. The band members started calling her Rosonna, after the Saturday Night Live character played by Gilda Radner. We didn't think she liked it, but we found out later that she even has an Internet address under Rosonnadonna! Donna left Goodyear as most of us have, but she was not satisfied where she was at in her career. When an offer was made that she "couldn't refuse" for a new job with new authority in Memphis, Tennessee she said: "Yes"! Below is a Photo Gallery of some of the pictures I took at Johnny Malloy's for a going away party her friends from work gave her. I was invited by Donna, and it was a blast. I'm sure her co-workers in the pics are going to miss her, and also the company that they all worked for. The quality of these pictures isn't the best since I didn't know I was going to be there until the last minute, and I was forced to use my back-up camera. But they are "PRICELESS"!           
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This page was last updated: August 27, 2009
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