This is a Monthly Newsletter. Articles, Pictures, and Happenings are all listed on one page for the Current Month. Page Down to see all of the News in the order that it happens.
DUSTY'S LANDING I & 2 - (Dusty' s Yacht Club & Dietz's) - Portage Lakes - August 1, 2012
Yes, we actually went to two different places Wednesday nite which is not what we usually do. However, both places have the same owners, and they are physically close to one another. We went to Dietz's first, and you can actually say that Dusty's Yacht Club is just down the street.
The bartenders at Dietz's were Alesha, and Laurie pictured, left to right. Laurie was there during the day, and when most of the Geezers arrived. They were both there when I arrived, and then Alesha took over the whole bar when Laurie left. But not before I was able to get a picture of them together. I thank them for that as they were very busy.
It has been hot ever since spring, and there was no reason to think that Wednesday nite would be any different. At 2:51 PM is was 85 degrees, and at 5:51 PM it got all the way down to 83. And it doesn't show any signs of letting up. In fact a few weeks ago on the evening news on NBC they said that this weather could continue until Halloween.
Some of us were a little late in getting there due to President Obama.
This page was last updated: September 1, 2012
Yes, the Prez was in town to make a speech at E. J. Thomas Hall. He was also in Mansfield to do the same thing. However, in Akron the authorities had to take more precautions. I had lunch at the Bahama Breeze off of I-271 to celebrate my sister Cathy's B-Day. After lunch she continued on to Beachwood with her daughter Kristen, and son Mark Adam. I in turn gave my other sister Lynda, and her husband Warren a ride back to Fairlawn.
I returned back to Akron via RT 8, and continued to the Central interchange to pick up
RT 77. Somewhere near North High School around Glenwood Ave that side of the expressway was shut down. On our side of the highway they had police cars blocking the exits to downtown Akron. Around 3:05 PM we saw two rows of Akron motorcycle policemen 4 or 5 abreast leading the presidential motorcade. And we did see Obama's limo. At least we did see a limo with flags flying. It looked like they exited at Glenwood Ave.
We proceeded to the Central and headed toward Fairlawn. The traffic on our side of the highway was normal, but it was a parking lot for traffic all of the way back to Copley Rd heading to the central heading East. It was rather obvious that traffic was stopped or rerouted for the President's arrival. He was to fly into the Akron/ Canton airport and motorcade to Akron University around that time so it made sense. But I assume the people who were in those traffic jams were not too happy about it. He came to town to win votes, but he might have done the opposite.
The Geezers were down near the docks at Dietz's at the bar. Part of the bar is open with bar stools out on the dock area, and the part that we were at was inside. There are also dining tables on the outside of the building near the water. The Big Boi had a cigar with him, and he wanted to light it up, but even though the one side of the bar is outside they made him step out through the doorway to smoke. It's the same at The Harbor.
Some of us left for home after Dietz's. The rest of us stopped over to Dusty's Yacht Club to see one of our fave bartenders, Karen. She is always there on Wednesdays. She works Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday there. We didn't stay long. It was a long day for me.
Next Wednesday, August 8, we will be going meeting at The Galaxy in Wadsworth for the first time this month. We will be back there again on Wednesday, August 29.

THE GALAXY PATIO - Wadsworth, OH - August 8, 2012
It was another HOT one, but our record this summer of not being rained out was in jeopardy. The last couple of years it rained whenever we would walk into the Patio at the Galaxy. Most times we ended up up inside. And once the even band moved inside to play. We have had some threatening weather this year, but no washouts.
Wednesday at 3:54 PM it was 90 degrees. That is about when the rain in south Akron hit. On my way out to Wadsworth I ended up driving from S. Main St to the Cleveland-Massillon Rd exit of RT 224 in a downpour. It cleared up after that. Some of the Geezers had no rain in the part of town where they lived.
At 5:54 PM the temperature was down to 84. It did sprinkle out on the patio around 5:45 PM, but it never got any worse than that, and the whole time that we were there the Patio remained open. In fact the band for the evening was Liquid Sky. They had no problem setting up and performing as long as we were there. Fortunately there was no liquid in the sky around the Patio.
Our bartenders for the evening were Becca, Mike, and Theresa pictured above. They took good care of us. Mike passed out some business cards to us, prepared by the Galaxy, to remind us of the 2012 Beacon's Best annual contest. The Galaxy card reads VOTE FOR US! There .was actually an Insert (ballot) in the Sunday (August 12) Akron Beacon Journal. There will be another one in the paper on August 19. The Galaxy wants us/you to vote for the Restaurant and Bartenders, but you can actually vote for Beacon's Best of Everything. Dig up your Sunday paper and take a look. You can vote every day, and you can vote online at Voting ends August 31, 2012. Mail in ballots must be postmarked by August 20, 2012. On the mail in ballot they have a choice of Other. (To write-in)
Drumstir was kidding with Mike about whether he would vote for him (Mike) or Darla, another bartender at The Galaxy. They bantered back and fourth for awhile until Drumstir figured he'd better let up since he had just ordered the Prime Rib Special. ($9.99 on Wednesdays) It was probably just a coincidence that his Prime Rib came out over-cooked! (The Galaxy gladly cooked him another)
For photos from the evening please go to our PHOTOS link.
Wednesday, August 15, we will be at Jerzee's Sports Grille at 1019 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. in Green
JERZEE'S SPORTS GRILLE - Green - August 15, 2012
Yes, the Geezers Nite Out last Wednesday was held out on the deck bar at Jerzee's Sports Grille on 1019 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. It was a pleasant evening. At 4:54 PM when most of us arrived it was 78 degrees, and mostly cloudy with the humidity at 43%.
We were fortunate to seat all of us at the deck bar. Normally when we first get there that bar and the surrounding tables are full. Our bartender for the evening was Kristen, pictured above in the orange top. She is with two of the servers and John. From L-R are John, Lea, Kristen, and Grace. They all helped make our evening at Jerzee's enjoyable. For more pictures of them, and of the evening please check out our PHOTOS link on the HOME page or click on PHOTOS here.
As I mentioned, Kristen was our bartender. Fergie, Spike, and I (Joebo) were the first to arrive. Kristen was very cordial and asked each of us our names. Fergie told her his first name John. Then she pointed to me, and I said John. then I told her Joe. Then she asked Spike, and at first he said John. But then he said Bob, Dan, and Spike. Of course she didn't believe him. but his real full name is Robert Daniel Swisher. So then Fergie told Kristen that he goes by Swish. But his nickname is Spike. When the Big Boi arrived she asked him for his name, and when we told her a few different ones such as the Big Boi she renamed him Big Dog.
She asked if anyone else in our group was coming. We her about R. B. And we also told her what those initials stand for. The "R" is Rat. Fill in the blanks. Then Fergie told Kristen that we had a Geezer coming who looks like the movie star Billy Bob Thornton. His real name is Mike, we call him Billy Bob. So Kristen was prepared, and she surprised both of them when they came and she called them by name.
Most of the Geezers ordered from Jerzee's excellent MENU. Fergie ordered some sort of Wrap. The Big Dog, and Spike had the Giant Sauerkraut Balls, and I had 6 Cajun Dry Rub wings. The sauerkraut balls were so big that they weren't warm enough when they first got them. But Kristen and the servers immediately sent them back to re-warm them. But they were good. I tried one of them, and it was Da Bomb. Later on Billy Bob ordered the steak special on Wednesdays which was a Sirloin Steak, baked potato, and salad for $8.99. He said that it was very good.
We did see a look-a-like. There was a guy sitting at the other end of the bar who we initially thought looked like one of our members, Mr. Lobber. But then he turned into a celebrity look-a-like when Big Dog said he thought he looked like the former head coach of the Miami Dolphins of the NFL, Jimmy Johnson. So then it made us wonder, does Mr. Lobber look like Jimmy Johnson?
We had a great time at Jezee's on the Deck, and we want to thank John (Not Fergie), Lea, Kristen, and Grace for helping us make it fun.
Next Wednesday, August 22, we will be at Johnny J's Pub & Grille on 2891 E. Waterloo Rd. in Springfield, OH.
JOHNNY J'S PUB & GRILLE - Springfield, OH Location - August 22, 2012
Well, we did have a Geezers Nite Out on Wednesday, at Johnny J's, but there were a few casualties. The Big Boi was on the DL with a bad back. Drumstir was taking care of a personal problem for his son Gary. And the Candyman.....well, the Candyman was at his second home on Catawba island for the summer. But not for much longer.
So needless to say it was a sparse turnout. However, those of us who showed up had an enjoyable time. And helping us to enjoy ourselves are two of the bartenders Sarah, on the left, and Amber pictured..They took good care of us, and they were nice enough to pose for a photo even though they were very busy.
Johnny J's has something special going on every day during the week. Wednesday is Working Woman's Wednesdays.
To celebrate on Wednesdays they offer Appetizers for half-off! Yes, even the Men get the same special. Not only aren't we working women, but most of us aren't even working! They have some interesting appetizers on their menu along with regular dinner items. Fergie and R. B. both ordered the Chicken Fingers with Fergie adding Chili. Spike was not that hungry so he ordered Jumbo Shrimp. Billy Bob, and I (Joebo) tried the Chicken Quesadillas. Some of us also took advantage of the Free Fries that are available only at the bar from 3-7.
Fergie is leaving for Florida on Friday (8/24) along with Drumstir. Fergie has a condo in Clearwater where he spends the winters as a snowbird. Drusmstir wants to eventually do the same thing so he is going along to check out what is available for sale as a good deal. We will let you know what he finds or doesn't.
Johnny J's has become a very popular pub & grille in the Springfield area near Canton Rd. and Waterloo. They will be celebrating their I Year Anniversary sometime in November of this year. We feel that this area has been long overdo for a place of this caliber..
Next Wednesday, August 29, we will be meeting at The Galaxy Patio in Wadsworth for the second time this month. We normally don't meet at the same place twice in one month but August has 5 Wednesdays, and we wanted to take advantage of the weather while it is still around.

THE GALAXY - Patio - Wadsworth - August 29, 2012
This was the Second Geezers Nite Out at The Galaxy in August. However, there was quite a difference in the weather from our last meeting. On August 8 it was 90 degrees at 3:54 PM. At 3:54 PM on August 29th it was75 degrees. Quite a difference.
We have seen a lot of bartenders come and go over the years out on the Patio Bar. The last one to leave was Shauna, the Artist, who hightailed it out to the West Coast to L. A. Darla no longer works Wednesday nights out on the Patio but she is still employed, as of this writing, by the Galaxy. There was Shelly who went on to bigger and better things, and Michelle who we still see around teh Sports Bar. Leslie was a waitress who was a rookie behind the bar for a while, but she is now with child.
But there was always Mike. Mike worked the Patio bar the last year, and he used to Manage the Sports Bar and Patio from time to time.
Well, after next Wednesday, September 5, Mike will no longer be employed by the Galaxy. He has a day job somewhere else and we believe that he is going to concentrate fully on that venture. If you have followed our website for a while you may have noticed that we always post pictures of female bartenders. Why not? However, every once in a while you would see a photo of Mike. Most of the time with the other female bartenders.
Mike is a nice guy, and we have enjoyed his friendship. Good Luck Mike with whatever endeavors you decide to attempt.
The other bartenders for the evening were Theresa and Stephanie. I made a mistake and waited too late to take a picture of all three of them that is impossible sometimes at The Patio, which is a popular summer spot on Wednesdays. So I didn't get a pic of the trio.
As usual we did order from The Patio's excellent Menu also available in the Sports Bar. The Big Boi had his usual Caesar Chicken wrap. In the past he was known to have the Galaxy Burger with the "secret Sauce". He is down about 30 pounds from those days. Drumstir ordered a Pannini. He even said that is was "OK"! I just wanted a simple burger,so I ordered what I thought was a Stargazer. However, it is actually a Shooting Star. It is a good thing to have when you don't want more than one. I like it. Fergie also had a burger. with "scrambled eggs" on it. Check out the menu for the name.
WONE 97.5 was there with TK O'Grady, along with a very good band called Turned Up. The Big Boi and I (Joebo) are in a band, and we were constantly being criticized for being TOO LOUD. You know what that means? We were playing for an older crowd. So Turned Up was Da Bomb to us.
It was also voting night for the meeting places for September. Every once in a while we have a Tie, and we have to re-vote. this was one of those nights. There are four Wednesdays in September, and we were voting for four places. Three of them were solidified, but there was a Tie between, of all places, The Galaxy, and a place that we have never been to called Papa Don's on E. Market St near Goodyear. After the re-vote The Galaxy was the unanimous choice. The result will be posted on the SCHEDULE page shortly.
We did see one celebrity Look-A-Like as often happens. It was an attractive woman who resembled Jamie Lee Curtis.
Next Wednesday, September 5, we will be meeting at Legends Sports Pub & Grille in Green.